
as Frontend developer

since 2019-05

Frontend Developer at ioki GmbH, Frankfurt

2017-10 - 2019-04

Frontend Developer at FastBill GmbH, Frankfurt

2016-06 – 2017-08

Frontend Developer and Team Lead at vaamo Finanz AG, Frankfurt

2014-01 - 2016-05

Junior Frontend Developer at vaamo Finanz AG, Frankfurt


as Frontend developer

JavaScript>10 yrs
TypeScript>5 yrs
HTML + CSS>12 yrs
CSS Preprocessors>10 yrs
React/Redux>8 yrs
React-Native>5 yrs
VueJs/Vuex1.5 yrs
RoR, PHP, PythonBasics
Git>10 yrs
Continuous Integration / Delivery>10 yrs
Agile Development, Scrum>10 yrs

Career Switch

From medicine to coding

Starting 2014

Active community organizer
Co-founder of non-profit organization Techettes e.V. www.techettes-frankfurt.com
Hosting regular meetups, talks, workshops by and for women working/interested in tech.

2013 - 2016

Co-organizer of Rails Girls workshops Frankfurt


Participation Rails Girls workshop, Munich

Starting 2012

Freelancing, CMS based website projects (WordPress, Typo3, Drupal, Joomla)
Continued self-education in JavaScript, Ruby/Rail, Python, PHP

from 2010 on

Self-education in web technologies (Html, CSS, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, jQuery) via numerous online tutorials and workshops

from 2005 on

Programming in the form of data analysis as part of scientific work

Former life as MD / Neuroscientist

Education and Employments

2009-08 - 2013-12

Medical Doctor & Research Scientist
Neurology, University Clinics Frankfurt

2006-08 - 2009-07

Research Scientist
Functional Brainmapping Lab, University of Geneva, Switzerland

2004-10 - 2005-02

Research Internship, Berenson-Allen Center for
Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Boston MA, USA

2003-08 - 2006-07

Medical Doctor, pediatrics/neuropediatrics department,
Hauner's Childrens Hospital, LMU Munich

2003-01 - 2003-07

Medical Doctor, pediatric surgery department
Zentralklinikum Augsburg


Doctorate in medicine

1995 - 2002

Human medicine studies
Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz